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Excellent T4+1 villa located in Travanca de Lagos, OHP
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  • Video Watch
  • Property typeVilla / House T4
  • Sale
    € 360.000
  • Area323 m²
  • StatusRecovered
  • Construction2007
  • CountyCoimbra
  • TownOliveira do Hospital
  • Parish
    Travanca de Lagos
  • REFCY-RR92922
323 m²


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4 bedrooms (1 master)
1 office/library
1 large revenue (can be used as extra division)
4 bathrooms
1 kitchen/dining room (open space )
1 Large Room (with large sliding door to the kitchen)
1 small reading area/hall
1 large terrace and a covered area

- Lots of natural light (high and large windows)
- Wool of Rock and Isolation Screens (located on the outer walls)
- The chirping and 1st floor floor have a tall false ceiling with LED outbreaks
- Automatized rear door (cars entrance)
- Pre-installation of solar panels and heaters
- Mosquitoes of blinds (one in each division)
- Tall flag windows (the curtains are included, some linen)
- Network sheets in all divisions
- Wooden staircase and handrail of steel and wood
- Original Balconies Grid
- Double glass windows with oscillating system in all divisions
- External wall lights around the house
- Portuguese sidewalk in the backyard
- Independent Gas House
- Hot Bathtub
- Much of furniture It is included
- Original Characteristics (Granite Fireplace; Large yellow granite washbasin; Original Granite Dated Plate (JB 1931)
- Portuguese original tiles (with a popular saying and an image of Santa Filomena)

Garden (recently renewed):
- Orange;
- Kumquat Tree
- Araçá
- Cidreira Piller
- Physalis
- Other small plants

Fantastic surrounding landscape. Calm zone with all services near (5km) and good internet connection. 1931 housing located very close to Serra da Estrela, Serras do Caramulo and Colcorinho. There are several rivers nearby with amazing river beaches. The cities of Coimbra and Viseu are less than an hour away. 15 minutes from IC6.

We deal with your credit process, without bureaucracies presenting the best solutions for each client.
Banco de Portugal certified credit intermediary with nº0001802.

We help with the whole process! Contact us or leave us your data and we will contact us as soon as possible!



Travanca de Lagos, Oliveira do Hospital, Coimbra


CY EasyGest
AMI License: 8989